Tuesday, March 31, 2020

March 31, 2020 Update

Hello All.

  • I am working on additions to our class blog with a few more video presentations since we are likely not meeting in person for the rest of this spring semester.
  • Look for those updates on the class blog.  I will send out exam 2 as a take home test on April 2.
  • Exam 2 covers the material we covered from chapters 8, 9, and 10.
  • Please print it, fill in your answers by hand, scan it, and email it back to me.  I would like to receive your exam by 6pm on Sunday April 5.
  • We will then proceed with the last third of the course.  I have begun to update the blog with video material and exercises.
  • The final exam will also be take home.  We will administrate it just like exam 2, in a 'take home exam' format.
  • Check the blog for updates.
  • Take care of yourselves and feel free to email me or Heath.



Chapter 12. Simple Linear Regression and Correlation. A topic on the final exam not exam 2. (This Chapter 12 Online Presentation is Still Under Construction)

Chapter 12 Topics.

Chapter 12 Textbook Reference from our B1 Text
link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pXBOqJPuLJG-BKSe3hPsbK1ne62suJ3T/view?usp=sharing

1. Intro to Linear Regression and Correlation Coefficient (r).
OpenStax Version
(A short 4 min video, at minute 3 a quick intro to 
Pearson's Correlation Coefficient is presented)
link: https://youtu.be/mPvtZhdPBhQ

2. Inference About the Slope b1, and Understanding Regression Output
from Software. OpenStax Version
link: https://youtu.be/depiT-hTaGA

3. Examples of Outliers in Regression. Discussion of 'Leverage' and 'Influence'
in a Regression Analysis.
link: https://youtu.be/jZEKAlo1E54

4. Interpretation of B0, B1, assumptions for linear regression, and R-Squared.
link: https://youtu.be/z8DmwG2G4Qc

5. Introduction to Linear Regression Marin Stats Version.
link: https://youtu.be/vblX9JVpHE8

6. Intro to Linear Regression JB Stats Version
link: https://youtu.be/KsVBBJRb9TE

7. Discussion of Linear Regression that Puts Several Concepts Together
JB Stats Version
link: https://youtu.be/xIDjj6ZyFuw

8.Practice Problems and Materials.

a. Potency and Temperature Worksheet:
The R Software Printout.
link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0G6ga3ykYRHWnNwVnllTlhwcHc/view
The worksheet (last pages) with Associated SAS software printout
link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0G6ga3ykYRHcGg3a2pkWlBLZG8/view
The worksheet answers.
link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0G6ga3ykYRHR3ViWl9wUmJWblU/view?usp=sharing

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Chapter 11. The One Way Analysis of Variance Procedure to Compare 2 or More Population Means. We cover only the first part of chapter 11 (pg 447-465) . This Material will NOT be on exam 2, but will be a topic on the final exam.

1. Introduction to the AOV Procedure

a.  Introduction to One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
link: https://youtu.be/QUQ6YppWCeg

b. ANOVA. An Intro to Formulas
link: https://youtu.be/fFnOD7KBSbw

c.  A Numerical Example of a One Way ANOVA
link: https://youtu.be/WUoVftXvjiQ

d. Comparing Among k Means in ANOVA when F - Test is Significant.  First Basic Procedure.
link: https://youtu.be/kO8t_q-AXHE

e. A quick intro to Tukeys multiple comparison procedure.  A common approach more popular than LSD procedure discussed in d. above.
link: https://youtu.be/lpdFr5SZR0Q

e. Finding the Approximate P-Value from F - test Using Textbook F - tables
link: https://youtu.be/XdZ7BRqznSA

f. A link to our textbook reference for chapter 11
link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19Td_GXTWTIi_G9IL-Uj_qcXyP_4Be2IL/view

2. Book Exercises for One Way Anova.  Problems 11.12 (a,b,c) , 11.13 (b,d) , 11.14 (a,b)
link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Zcr5ZO77L_AVu5Sv1kX65iU5XRZC_fle/view?usp=sharing

a. Eric's handwritten solutions to the textbook problems 11.12 (a,b,c) , 11.13 (b,d) , 11.14 (a,b) 
  link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0G6ga3ykYRHUnRfYUxjaHMtVzQ/view

The following are R printouts with means and the Tukey procedure to compare all possible pairs.
They are meant to enrich the textbook aov tables that go with the exercises in the book.
b. R printout with Tukey procedure for problem 12
c. R printout with Tukey procedure for problem 13
d. R printout with Tukey procedure for problem 14

3.  AOV worksheets

a.  Worksheet 1

Update March 26, 2020 to round out and complete Chapter 10: Small Sample t-tests on Population Means. If you work your way through this list of presentations you should be able to complete the chapter 10 topics that will be on take home exam 2 that I will provide you on April 4

Chapter 10 Topics to review.

1. Assumptions for t-test

2. Introduction to t-test for one population mean
https://youtu.be/kQ4xcx6N0o4  (A second example)

3. Using the t-table in the book to find approximate p-values

4. Comparing two independent group population means

5. The paired t-test design

6. Formulas for hypothesis testing and confidence intervals for both large sample scenarios
(chapters 8 and 9) and small sample scenarios (chapter 10).  This is handy because the test statistics and CI formulas are organized and in one document.

7.  A worksheet that has examples of all three small sample scenarios from chapter 10
Here are the answers: 

8. If you wish more practice, here is a link to additional textbook exercises and my handwritten solutions at the bottom of the list 

Monday, March 9, 2020

Using the T Table to find Approximate P-Values. Short Video.


Introduction to the T Test for a Population Mean. Video from JB Stats.


Assumptions for the Use of the T Distribution. Short Video.


Chapter 10 Exercises and Answers from Mendenhall Reference.

Click below to view these problems and the book answer page

One Population Mean (Small Sample)

10.5 c (alpha=.01)

Mu1 - Mu2 (Independent Groups Small Sample)

10.21  (Summary Stats Provided)
10.25   (Summary Stats Provided)

Mu(d)  (Paired Difference Design Small Sample)

10.43 a,b  (Two tail test)

Click below for a link to a hand draft copy of the answers to above problems:


Answers to the Four Chapter 10 t distribution Worksheet exercises.


Four Chapter 10 T Distribution Worksheet Problems to Be Discussed in Class. (It would be good to print this and attempt)


Brief Story of William Gosset.


Chapters 8,9, and 10 Confidence Interval and Test Statistic Formulas (Very good for exam review)


T Distribution Tail Area Calculator (and other stat distribution calculators)


Graph of Various t Distributions for Comparison

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Chapter 9 Problems from Mendenhall Book (aka "B1 Book)

Chapter 9 Problems (Use alpha = 0.05 unless stated otherwise)

Link to view this chapter on the web

One Population Mean (361)

9.15 a

Difference in Two Population Means (page 366)

9.23 a b
9.29 a b

One Population Proportion (page 371)


Difference in Two Population Proportions (page 376)


Chapter 9 Large Sample Size Hypothesis Tests Worksheet Answers


Hypothesis Test Worksheet Chapter 9 Large Sample Cases.


Short 10 Min Video on the P-Value Approach in Hypothesis Testing.


Short 10 Min Video on the Rejection Region Approach in Hypothesis Testing


JB Stats Video. Introduction to Hypothesis Testing.
